

Hi I'm David, hailing from the cold, wet hills of the North West UK. I am about $CURRENT_YEAR-1983 years old.

I have a 20-year career as an ISP packet wrangler. I specialise in enterprise networks, specifically Fortinet and Cisco, and very-specifically network automation and DevOps. If my work firewall is not bellowing smoke, I'm not doing my job properly.

I have used Linux since Debian Potato, FreeBSD since FreeNAS 9.x. I am interested in self-hosting, I run a home server. I have a Home Assistant smart home setup. I have a collection of old vintage tech and like to maintain them and see how they can be still useful in the modern day. I am a UK full-license radio ham but not currently very active.

When I social media it is done here: https://mastodon.me.uk/@stardot