
Meta: Bending the unwritten rules of blogging

I started this blog because I have a desire to spin-up a new personal website for the smolweb, but other commitments mean I have very limited time for making the many little decisions involved in such a project, and that was frustratingly holding me back from just getting started.

At some point I came across a post from someone using Mataroa and I saw it could help in the short term to allow me to start writing and sharing content without having to actually build the website first.

However, the vision for my future website is not actually as a blog so much as a Digital Garden - a one-man wiki where I can write content that is equally a macro-blog/mini-blog*, diary/memoir, documentation and more. I will publish pages and return to them later as time rolls on with new updates and insights.

That said, as a disclaimer, some content on this blog may not follow the traditional blog format as it is not intended to be in a blog later on.


* mini-blog (noun): somewhere between a mastodon toot and a traditional blog post. An over-sized gobbing-off on the Internet.