Raising my two young children, one of each, 6 and 2, every day is a new challenge. They push me to my limit then kick me over it.
I am working hard on taking my Python programming skills to the next level or two, I use it for network devops tasks at work most days.
Practicing my outdoor skills, learning how to camp successfully. I have just completed my first family camping trip in August '24!
Drawing more. It is in the mix of things to do once the kids are asleep. I used to draw quite often but fell out of the habit about 20 years ago. I like to draw people or interesting buildings I come across.
Building stuff from my growing collection of recycled wood, so far this year I've made some heavy duty wall shelves and a tool bench.
I have a ~1,500 day streak on DuoLingo, most XP is learning German, then Spanish and currently I'm learning Dutch. I can speak none of these languages with any serious proficiency, read into that what you will.
I recently purchased a digital piano, I am picking up learning this again for the first time in 15 years and find it very enjoyable now there is proper tactile feedback from the keys.
I'm learning all I can about 3D printing and modelling.